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2024 Scholarship Opportunity

The Hell Creek Paleontological Society Scholarship application process is designed to support individuals pursuing their education in paleontology, geology, or related fields. Scholarships are awarded to fund various educational expenses at any accredited university or college within the United States, with the primary goal of advancing the applicant's knowledge and expertise in their chosen field. Each year, a minimum of one and a maximum of three scholarships will be granted, and the maximum award amount for each scholarship is $1,000.00. One noteworthy aspect of this opportunity is its inclusivity, as both members and non-members of the Society are encouraged to apply and demographics (race, ethnicity, financial situation, etc.) will not be collected or reviewed, thereby widening access to educational funding in paleontology.

The evaluation of scholarship applications is entrusted to the Society's elected scientific committee, who carefully assess each applicant's qualifications, dedication, and potential contributions to the field. Final approval for all awards rests with the Society's Board, ensuring a fair and thorough selection process. In addition to receiving financial support, scholarship recipients are expected to fulfill reporting requirements by sharing their experiences and outcomes with the Society. This can be achieved through either a brief presentation at a regular Society meeting or by submitting a note for publication in the Society newsletter. These reporting requirements not only provide transparency but also enable scholarship recipients to give back to the community by sharing their educational journey and the impact of the scholarship.

Applications for 2024 will be accepted from April 1st to June 30th, 2024. Notice of award will be sent to selected recipients no later than August 1st, 2024, with awards being mailed by August 7th.

Completed applications must be emailed and submitted with supporting documents (essays, reference letters, etc.) uploaded as attachments. Please email all required materials to: scholarships@thehellcreekpaleosociety.org